Social Media Monitors
You can use social media monitors to watch for bot restocks, tool restocks and more. This is where you will want to keep notifs on to get restock information regarding exclusive bots such as cybersole
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You can use social media monitors to watch for bot restocks, tool restocks and more. This is where you will want to keep notifs on to get restock information regarding exclusive bots such as cybersole
Last updated
In the social media monitors category. You can find monitors for twitter, Instagram and more (as they are added). The social-priority monitor is specifically for the most in-demand / hyped products restocking. We filter these here so you can keep notifications on for this channel.
Utilizing the tweet monitor with any other tools etc. That you have for bot restocks is ideal. Manual useres are able to secure their limited bots by using our instant tweet monitors.
From this monitor image, you can see that when wrath restocked you got the link and password instantly. You can then use this information to secure bots, tools etc.